13 April, 2011

Hidden Shame Is Difficult To Get Rid Of If Never Revealed.

What's buried alive never dies" We must deal with hidden issues. We must decide even though you've had a bad beginning, decide to have a good ending.  Know you can't change the past, but you're a new creation, forget what's behind, and press past, pain, make right choices while you are hurting, over and over you will out last the enemy. 

God has given you endurance.  Many women have been abused in many forms, verbal abuse can be devastating, and mistreatment by others can be misinterpreted to an abused person as their own life has no value.
Paul instructed us to be determining to take a hold of life.  (You have!!) Be determined to live the abundant life (You are!!) Press passed the hurt of the past, become an example to someone else.  (You have and you are!!) Become a blessing to someone, don't just live and then die and go to heaven; take some one with you.  Every day your life shows that this is exactly what you are doing!!  A broken hearted person does not always feel right, they feel like no one really loves them, but that is a lie from the enemy.  You have healed others and you are a tremendous blessing to many. Anyone who has been abused can fully recover. You learn to trust God with your relationships, especially men.
Christ is your healer, according to Isaiah 61:7 “ Instead of your (former) shame you shall have a twofold recompense ; instead of dishonor and reproach (your people) shall rejoice in their portion.  Therefore in their land they shall posses double (what they had forfeited) everlasting covenant or league with them.”AMP

By Yvonne Penton, Michigan. Taken from the book “ Sexual Healing, Jesus is the Key


Anonymous said...

Hiya...looks interesting enough to follow. I'm from Bloggy Moms.

Have a great day.



Unknown said...

Hi there! Stopping by from BloggyMoms to check out your site. Looks like you have a great start and it's going to be very encouraging to your readers and participants. Wish I lived in the area to join in on the meetings. Following you... Many blessings,

Shar said...

What a wonderful site! I love what you're doing!

I followed you back!
