19 March, 2012

October Baby

This movie will be release this month We would like to encourage to to see it. When you do so, you will realize that you know someone that it will bless or there may be someone that God has put in your life right now that may have gone through something similar or God may even be bringing someone to you path in the very near future and the message of this move will help you to better understand those individual and to effectively reach out to them. Here is a brief synopsis and a click enjoy.

While the narrative of October Baby begins with a failed abortion. In the film Hannah has long felt disconnected, and writes in her journal that “I am drowning.” At some place tucked away deep in her soul, Hannah knows “something is missing,” and asks, “Why, God, do I feel unwanted?” 

Then she learns the truth which triggers even deeper anxiety and self-doubt. As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah - unscripted - collapses in front of the stunned audience. After countless medical tests, all signs point to one underlying factor: Hannah’s difficult birth. This revelation is nothing compared to what she then learns from her parents: she was actually adopted... after a failed abortion attempt. 

Bewildered, angered, and confused. She decides she must go back to Mobile, Alabama, to the hospital she was delivered at as a starting point to finding the woman “who didn’t want me.” What she will do if she finds her birth mother? She doesn’t know. Hannah just knows she is angry, made worse because she knows there are some who dismiss her as some kind of “Christian homeschooling freak”—whose “perfection” annoys them to no end. 

Hannah recruits her best friend Jason to help seek out her biological mother, and discovers some shocking truths about her difficult birth and childhood along the way. Encouraged by his adventurous spirit, Hannah joins his group of friends on a Spring Break road trip, embarking on a journey to discover her hidden past... and find hope for her unknown future. In the midst of her incredible journey, Hannah finds that life can be so much more than what you have planned.

Leave a comment for us and when you have seen the movie, please do comeback to share with us.  

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