01 October, 2012

Reverence & Authority 2

Benefits of Reverence
The beginning of wisdom Proverbs 1:1 Psalm 111:10
God takes pleasure in us Psalm 147:11
Friendship with God Psalm 25:14
Revelation of truth Psalm25:14
God’s attention is guaranteed Psalm 33:18
Confidence Proverbs 14:26
Honor for women Proverbs 31:30
Sufficiency Psalm 34:9
Riches honor and life Proverbs 22:4

What Is The Link Between Reverence And Authority In A Believer’s Life?
The reverence of God grants you authority.
What does it mean to be Granted Authority?
When God grants you authority, this means He is granting you the power, freedom, or right to act within certain guidelines.-The lawful right to enforce obedience.
Authority gives you audience with the powerful 
Hebrews 5:7
Matt. 16:19
Matt. 10:1
Luke 10:19

God puts His authority on those who obey Him. It is only when we choose to submit, make ourselves available, depend, obey and have faith in God that He can release His authority to us the same was He did to Jesus. That is why the disciples were able to.

The Link Between Reverence And Worship and how to experiences the true essence of His presence. 
How do you know when you have achieved this point? You will experience the inexpressible glory that is God's very presence, the essence of His being, is beyond the grasp of the human mind. 

1 Timothy 6:16 NIV He "alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see." the only way I describe it is -brilliant, blazing glory, the unspeakable splendor of the Divine presence.

Isaiah 6:3
Isaiah 14:12-16
Revelation 4:8
Revelation 4:11
Revelation 15:3-4
Revelation 19:1-6

·      You acknowledge Who God is
·      What He Has done
·      He alone is worthy

When you have absolute reverence for God, it takes you to a new depth of worship. You will never see worship and experience worship the same way again.
When you get a glimpse of the essence of His true presence, you will know beyond the shadow of doubt that it is all together divine. You will know that every other thing or person does no matter at that very moment.
You will know that truly you have invited the transforming presences of God to change you.
Revelation 4:8

When we sing holy, holy, holy we invite the transforming presence of God’s holiness to change us. When you sing about God’s attributes, you can be transformed by the revelation of the experiencing that attribute.
When we attain a greater awareness of who God is and who He’s called us to be as His people, then God is most glorified in us when we’re most satisfied with Him. True reverence flows in worship out of freedom- freedom to be real before God and right with other.
My life belongs to God and what I do in worship to God is a reflection of who I am, but most of all whose I am.

A worshipper is one who allows the Holy Spirit to transform his/her heart and life through an act of total surrender and worship.
Worship is the highest level of communication between God and man. you see as God reveals a portion of His character, I respond in praise to his glorious light. God on the other hand is overjoyed by my response, guess what He does? Shows me another facet of Himself to which I respond with another acclamation of worship.
Sometimes I am still and quite so that I allow Him to speak to me, and at other times I just tell Him all that is on my heart.
Reverence is seeing what God is worth and then giving Him due honour & adoration.

Reverence is dethroning idols –you are saying to God you hate all that He hates, you hate evil and to hate evil is to hate all that is competing with God, the very thing that draws your attention away from pursuing a holy passion for God, that thing that you so desire that displaces God, that thing that occupies the passionate place in your heart that is for God and God alone. God consciousness at all times and in every area of your life becomes the true fear of God when you allow God to show you what proper reverence of Him is and when you allow Him, you will be completely transformed and true worship will take place in a whole new depth. You see it is very possible to worship God, to fear Him and not really know Him; however it is highly impossible for you go know God and not worship Him. When you choose to reverence God, not only will you have an effective prayer life, but you can also experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit, a blameless heart, and unlimited power over sin.

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